Suggested Activities 20th April-24th April

  • The links for CJ Fallon can be accessed by copying and pasting the link. Then choose the correct class, correct subject and the correct book. For example if you want to access Busy at Maths, choose 6th class > subject maths > series Busy at Maths. Click on the icon beside the online book and you will have access to the textbook.  


  • If you can’t work any of the links, don’t worry. These are suggested activities. If you have a maths book or Gaeilge book. Try to do some independent work from that. The Khan Academy website has loads of maths activities.  


  • Don’t be overwhelmed or overloaded. Do your best and do as much as you can 😊 Try your best!!!! 


  • Continue with Mental Maths (1 more week of work).  



  • Complete these sums: Check answers on the calculator–    Decimals 

27.96 x 8=         54.22 x 6=              33.68 x 9 =        22.89 x 7 =        23.05 x 3 =          85.67 x 8 = 

34.08 x 16 =        37.59 x 35=        36.58 x 50 =    19.28 x 24=       48.02 x 45 =      96.05 x 33= 

3.295 x 5 =         2.367 x 5 =            4.589 x 6 =       8.978 x 9 =       5.309 x 7 =       3.087 x 8  =  


  • Watch this link and write the following percentages as decimals and fractions (simplify the fraction if you can).  


  • 13%,  15%,  78%,  91%,  23%,  61%,  82%,  99%,  17%,  50%,  75%  


  • This is a very good video on algebra, watch it to understand what a variable is, if you can explain it you know it!  




  • Continue with 1 more week’s work of Spellcheck (2 pages).  


  • Write a diary entry each day logging how you spent your day (write the date each time). Write a recount of your day. We can read these to each other when we return.  


  • Write a poem. (It can be acrostic or a regular poem with rhyming verses and illustrate and decorate it). The topic is Friendship.    Example:      F- Friends are precious gifts   R- Rare and hard to find       and so on……………………. 


Gaeilge : 

  • Ms. McKay’s class. Revise sentences about Mé féin agus Mo Chlann (blue folder if you have it) write out a piece about “Mé féin agus mo chlann” Learn the spellings of the words  


  • Mr. Devlin’s class. Write some sentences about what you will do when you can do what you like again. Úsáid an aimsir fháistineach. Déanfaidh mé ( I will do) etc.  







  • History Ms. McKay’s class 


  • Small World History Chapter 16 and 17   page 86 and 90    Northern Ireland and The Troubles.       Read these chapters. Begin a project on this topic. It does not have to be completed this week. We will continue this next week also. It can be a poster or in a “book” format. Feel free to include drawings and pictures too.  


  • History – Mr. Devlin’s class 


  • Small World History. Read the chapter on the War of Independence and Civil War. Choose one of these people to research and do a profile of.  
  • Michael Collins  
  • Eamon De Valera 


  • Look up the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1922. Describe the differences between Pro-Treaty Sinn Féin and Anti-Treaty Sinn Féin. Which side do you think you would have been on? Why?  




  • Choose a European country and research it.  See if you can learn a few phrases in the county’s language. Complete a little booklet about the country if you can. This also does not have to be completed this week. You can continue work on this next week.  




  • Do a range of Go-noodle activities each day. Make sure you get at least 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day. Keep an exercise diary and try to beat your time each day. 


  • Joe Wicks P.E. lessons on YouTube 


  • RTE 10@10. Do a range of these activities as often as you can. Try to get into a routine and try to do it with siblings or other family members if possible.  




  • Drawing/Sketching 

Draw/ Sketch something from observation. Draw something in your house i.e. fruit bowl, scene looking out the back window, the front garden, the view from your sitting room, an ornament etc.  


  • Use this link to take a virtual tour of the National Gallery of Ireland. See if you can find the painting the ‘Marriage of Strongbow and Aoife’. Research the painting and recreate it yourself by drawing, painting, or whatever media you think of.  


If you are in one of Ms O’Shaughnessy’s groups… have a look at these activities. Do the ones that apply to you and your group. Not all of the suggestions will apply to each girl that comes to the group so if it doesn’t make sense to you, don’t worry!  


  • Continue with My Read at Home Book (MRAH) if you have it – Read one each day and answer questions orally. Some of you may have different books and that’s ok, just read the one you have! Look up any words that you don’t know or that you find interesting and add to your copies. You can also find the books online at the following links:  
  •  ( Bk 4)  


MRAH Book 6:  

Monday: p.62 Prepare to be Shocked.  

Tuesday: p. 63 The Birr Castle Telescope  

Wednesday: p. 65 Beached  

Thursday : p. 66 Socrates  

Friday: p.68 Finding Your Way   

Activity A: Choose one of these texts and summarise the main points of the text.  

 Activity B: We read another text about electricity earlier on in the year, can you remember what it was about? Hint: It was in the book Fact or Fiction. Jot down 5 points about Isaac Newton and the discovery of electricity.  

MRAH Book 4:   

Monday: p. 65 A Greek Myth  

Tuesday: p. 66  First Man on the Moon  

Wednesday: p.67 The Wind  

Thursday: p. 68 Muhammad Ali  

Friday: p.69 Rooftop Rendezvous  

Activity AChoose one of these texts and summarise the main points of the text  

Activity B: Continue with English workbook if you have it- do one page a day ( this applies to some girls only)  

For all girls attending the group:  

Read the following poems:   

“Teacher” by Paul Cookson: “April” by John Cotton  

Loud shouter,Bud bursting  

Deep thinker,Brightly showering  

Rain hater,Nest building  

Coffee drinker,Daffodil flowering  

Spell checker.New life of a month.  

Sum ticker.  

Line giver.  

Nit picker,  

Ready listener,  

Trouble carer,  

Hometime lover,  

Knowledge sharer.  

Answer the following questions:  

  1. In the poem “Teacher”,  what do you think the lines “Ready listener”, trouble carer mean?  
  2. What images come to mind when you read the poem “April”. Can you describe the picture that’s in your mind?  
  3. Which poem do you prefer and why?  


For all girls attending the group: Word of the Day- look up the word and add to your dictionary  

 (this can just be a page at the back of your copy). Use the word in a sentence:  

  1. Monday: glutton  
  2. Tuesday: luscious  
  3. Wednesday: temporary  
  4. Thursday: vast  
  5. Friday: announce  



Maths: Ms O’Shaughnessy’s Maths group. Solve the following problems:  

  1. Monday: Maeve spent 0.45 of her money and had €1.74 left. How much did she have at first?  
  2. Tuesday: James spent 40% of his pocket money on phone credit and 3/20 of it on magazines. If he had €6.75 left, how much pocket money did he get?  
  3. Wednesday: On a day when there were 18 children absent from Kilnamee NS, the attendance was 94 %. What was the total number of children enrolled in the school?  
  4. Thursday: Tony has saved 35 % towards the cost of a new bicycle. If he has saved €84 so far. 1. How much does the bicycle cost?  How much more does he need to save? 
  5.     Friday: The battery information on a laptop says that it is 75% fully charged and has 57      minutes remaining. For how many hours and minutes does the same laptop last when fully charged?  

Extension Challenge:   

  1. Using each of the numbers 6,7,8,9 once only, make 10 different 4-digit numbers.  
  2. Add 3 to me and halve the answer. The number you get has six factors, four of which are 2, 4,7 and 14. What am I?  
  3. I am the difference between two square numbers. The sum of the two square numbers is 85. What am I?