

Welcome to Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní). Our school is located in Blanchardstown village and caters for girls ranging from 4 to 12 years of age. At present, we have 1 special class and 15 mainstream classes comprising all levels, from Junior Infants to Sixth Class. Our school staff comprises teachers, special needs assistants, secretary, maintenance and security staff and cleaners.


Scoil Bhríde is the original parish school of Blanchardstown. It began life in the mid-nineteenth century in what is now the hall of the Community Centre. As the population of Blanchardstown grew, 2 railway carriages were added in the 1940s to accommodate the pupils. In 1956, a new school was built. This school was in operation until June 2013 and stayed standing while the current building was being constructed in the old school yard.


While Scoil Bhríde is fondly remembered by many residents in Blanchardstown, I think all would agree that the new school, with its state of the art facilities, is a credit to all who have been involved in its design and construction. Our children can now enjoy bright classrooms, excellent IT resources, a beautiful hall for indoor activities in addition to all-weather pitches and a basketball court. We also have a unique, outdoor performance space that is regularly used for a wide variety of creative purposes. Most importantly, the lovely atmosphere that was always a feature of Scoil Bhríde (Cailíní) has transferred to the new building. This is a tribute to our entire school community of children, parents and staff, who work so hard to ensure that there is a welcoming and nurturing environment in which all can learn.


Our school motto, Let us treat others as we would like them to treat us, is a daily reminder of our aspirations. We aim to support each child in her journey to reach her full potential as an individual. We offer a broad curriculum that is designed to nurture the talents and gifts of each child. We are fortunate to be supported in our efforts by an able, committed Board of Management and a dedicated, enthusiastic Parents’ Association.