Suggested Activities 25th-29th May


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  • Two Little Frogs – Unit 22 ‘Three Naughty Ostriches’ p. 88-91 (Do one page each day)   
  • Discuss new words in the story 
  • Spellcheck – Week 31 – Practise 3 spellings each day and have a spelling test on Friday    
  • Reading – 2/4 pages of reader each day and any other books you have at home. Read ‘Three naughty Ostriches’ in Two Little Frogs. Discuss new words and retell the story orally.   
  • Practise the poem ‘eggs’ 
  • Discuss the rhyming words in the poem and draw a picture or write a list of the different animals that have fins/legs/chatter/cheep/creep/fly/slither/run etc. 


Lots of animals come from eggs, 

Some with fins and some with legs, 

 Some that chatter and some that cheep, 

 Some that fly and some that creep, 

Some that slither and some that run, 

Some with feathers and some with none, 

Animal eggs can be quite small, 

Or just as big as a tennis ball.  

The animals here they’re quite a few, 

Hatch from eggs and lay them, too. 


  1. Handwriting: Continue with Handwriting Booklet.   
  2. Get your child to trace the letter in the air with her finger.   
  3. Make the letter with playdough.   
  4. Try and think of words that begin with the letter.   
  5. Make sure that your child is sitting up straight and holding her pencil properly before she begins.  


Look at the Maths Problem of the Week in the Extra Challenges section. You might win a prize!!

  • Mental Maths – Week 31 p. 62-63 (use each question as a teaching point) 
  • Addition – Over the next few days your child will be learning about addition of one-digit to a two-digit number as well as some helpful addition strategies 
  • Mathematical Language – 
  • Bundles of ten: How many? Display bundles of ten straws/lollipop sticks one-by-one for your child to count e.g. 4/6/7 bundles of ten. Ask questions such as: If I add one more bundle of ten, how many straws will I have? If I add two more bundles of ten, how many straws will I have? If I take away a bundle of ten, how many straws will I have? Display four bundles of ten and three units. Ask: How many straws have I got altogether now? (43) If I add four more straws, how many straws will I have altogether? (47)  Invite your child to explain the strategy they used to get the answer. Do this with other numbers up to 99. 
  • Target board – Make a grid similar to the one below on a sheet of paper. 

Ask some of the following: 

  • Order the numbers in the 1st row from smallest to biggest 
  • Order the numbers in the 3rd column from smallest to biggest 
  • What is double 10/30/40? 
  • What is 10 more than 30/50/70? 
  • What is 20 more than 40/60/26?? 
  • Adding two numbers – Ask your child to show 25 using straws i.e. 2 bundles of 10 straws and 5 loose straws. Now get them to add in 3 more straws and ask: How many have you now? How did you solve the problem? I had 2 bundles of ten and 5 loose straws. I put the 5 straws and the 3 straws together to give me 8 straws, now I have 28 straws altogether. Do this with a number of similar questions. 
  • Rounding – Ask your child to make a bundle of 10 and also put two bundles together to make twenty (use cubes if available). Ask them to think about the number 13. By how many cubes is 13 more than 10? Have your child line up the 10 and line up the 13 underneath the line of 10, if they need to check. By how many cubes is 13 less than 20? Have your child line up the cubes if they need to check. It should be obvious that 13 is closer to 10 so we round 13 down to 10. Now do the same for the number 18. Explain that we always round any number with a 5 up to the next 10, e.g. 15 rounds up to 20, 45 rounds up to 50 etc.  



  • Cúla4 ar Scoil on TG4 @10am every morning, or even watch a cartoon as Gaeilge   
  • Cúla4 app- You can download it for games on the different themes.  
  • Laethanta na Seachtaine: Revise your days of the week. Write the daily news each day.  

An Luan, An Mháirt, An Chéadaoin, Déardaoin, An Aoine, An Satharn, An Domhnach.  

Mar Shampla:  

Inniu an Mháirt   (Today is Tuesday)  

Inné an Luan   (Yesterday was Monday)  

Amarách an Chéadaoin (Tomorrow will be Wednesday)  

Tá an aimsir grianmhar/ fliuch/ scamallach/ te.  



Parents can download Bua na Cainte to use at home. Go to Username: trial Password: trial. We are following the 1st Class programme and are working on the topic of Eadaí  at the moment.  


  • Parts of an Egg – Discuss the different parts of an Egg (Shell, egg white, yolk). Ask your child about where eggs can come from and what animals hatch out of eggs: (spiders/crocodile/bird/snake/duck/tadpole/ostrich/snake etc.) 
  • Ask your child to draw and label a normal egg, write a list of recipes that eggs can be used in 

Experiment: Investigating Eggshells 

You will need: 2 eggs, 1 glass of water, 1 glass of vinegar 


  1. Place one egg in the water. Place the other egg in vinegar. 
  1. Will each change or not change? Write your predictions (will change/ will not change) below. 
  1. Leave the eggs for one day 
  1. What happened? Draw a picture and write about the result. Use these words: soft, shell, hard, egg, break, crack. 

Rewrite and finish these sentences:  

  1. The y______________ of an egg is y____________________. 
  2. The s_______________ protects the e__________________. 
  3. An egg is an o____________ shape. 
  4. Which comes first? The c____________ or the e____________? 
  5. How do y__________ like your e__________ in the m_______________? 



  • Visit the school website and practice our Active Home Workouts 



Grow in Love 1st Class – Theme 6 Celebrating Mass – Lesson 3: We are nourished by the Holy Communion 

To access   

  1. go to    
  2. Sign in using the following details: Email: Password: growinlove   

Listen to the parable of the Lost Sheep  


Extra Activties  

Home School Hub on RTE 2 every day from 11a.m to 12p.m. Watch our very own Ms Ní Chíosain!  


If you have any pictures of any work or activities you have done, feel free to send them to our email  



If you go to Ms. Kelly: 

*Please only complete these activities if you get a chance to do so * 

Hi girls. How are you all keeping? I hope everyone is doing well. We miss you all!  

  • This week we are going to listen to a story on Storyline Online.  
  • The story is called Clark the Shark. You can access it through the link below.  
  • Listen to the story and chat with your family about the story.  


  1. What are the rules in your class? 
  2. Why are class rules important?  
  3. Is Clark being a good friend?  



  • Draw a picture of the shark or other sea creatures from the story. 
  • Can you  think of a new title for the story?  

Have a lovely week everyone. Ms. Kelly 



Ms O’Shaughnessy’s Group/Ms. McKeon’s Group: 

Hello girls, we hope you had a lovely weekend. We miss seeing your faces in school every day. Here are some activities that you might like to do if you have time. You do not have to do them, only if you want to. 


Reading: My Read At Home Book 1 (Ms O’Shaughnessy’s girls should have this in your yellow folders) or go to 

Read the stories and answer the questions orally (you do not need to write the answers, this reading is just for enjoyment). You may need to ask someone to help you or to listen to your reading. 

Monday: p.78 Busy Bees 

Tuesday: p. 79 Spring Flower Spotter 

Wednesday: p.80 Grandad in Space 

Thursday: p.81 Zen 

Friday: p.82 Childminder 

Activity: What is your favourite flower? Can you draw a picture of it and write a few sentences underneath? 

Extra Activity: Click on this link to listen to the story 

Clark the Shark loved school. Can you list 5 things that you love about school? What do you miss? 


You can visit for an overview of the Jolly Phonics sounds. 

Do some, or all of the following activities. It can be a good idea to write the letters on a piece of paper or card and cut them out. Some of you may have a little bag of letters in your folders: 

Jolly Phonics Groups: 

Group 1: s, a, t, i, p, n 

Group 2: c, k (make the same sound), e, h, r, m, d 

Group 3: g, o, u, l, f, b 

Group 4: ai, j, oa, ee, or  

 Group 5: z, w, ng, v, oo, oo 

New Group, Group 6: y, x, chshth 

Visit to see some blending ideas for this group. 

Monday: y, x 

  • How many words can you think of that begin with the y sound? Can you write any of them down? 
  • Can you make any 3 letter words with the y sound? 
  • Can you write the letter y correctly? It can be tricky! 
  • When we see the y sound at the end of the word, it makes a different sound. Look at the name Jenny, what sound does y make here? How many names can you think of that end in y? 
  • X- can you think of any words that start with X? 
  • How many words can you think of that end in x? 

Tuesday: ch: Here, two letters make the one sound “ch 

  • How many ch words can you think of? 
  • Can you write them down? 
  • How many 4 letter words have you made? Ex: chip 
  • What is the longest word you’ve made? 
  • Play a game with someone at home: Set a timer and see who can say the most ch words in one minute! 
  • Extra challenge: Some words have ch at the end of them. Can you think of any? Write them down! 

Wednesday: sh: Two letters make one sound again 

  • What does teacher say when he/ she wants you to be quiet? You’re right! This is the sh sound! 
  • How many sh words can you think of in one minute? 
  • How many 4 letter words did you make? 
  • Did you make any longer words? 
  • Do you know any names that begin with the sh sound? 
  • Do you know any words that have the sh sound at the end? 
  • Thursday:th,th  

The th sound is slightly tricky as there are two versions of this sound, voiced and unvoiced. To see a better explanation, visit: 

If you feel a vibration as you say the word, then the th is a voiced one. Some examples of voiced th words are: 

  • That, then, the, them, these 

If you do not feel a vibration as you say the word, then the th is unvoiced or voiceless. Some examples of unvoiced th words are: 

  • Thin, thick, think, thorn, thunder 

Do not worry if you can’t see the distinction, just ask your child to brainstorm some th words; we can work on the rest at a later date! 


  • Game time! Choose 2 or 3 words from each day, write them out, look at them and memorise them. Set a timer for 2 or 3 minutes (longer or shorter if you prefer) and then write down as many of the words as you can remember without looking! 
  • Silly sentences. Can you make any silly sentences with your words from this week? Write some down. 

Dolch Sight Words: 

How are you getting on with your Dolch words? If you have played the memory, matching and spelling games, you can try the Primer Jigword Game this week. and click on Dolch Primer Games. Dolch Word Primer Jigword Game. You can move up or down a level as required. 


You can visit the website for some good revision games 


We are going to take one more week playing these maths games. Remember, you can make them easier or harder if you need to by extending or varying the range (1-50, 1-100, 50-100) or narrowing the range (1-20, 20-40). There are some extra activities suggested below if you’ve already played the games enough times! 


Monday: Hand Game:   

Pick a starting point, ex: 12. If “teacher (parent or guardian)” raises her/his hand up it means the child must count one digit more, if the hand faces down it means the child must count one digit less. So: The child or parent can pick a card, Ex: 12. If the parent raises his/ her hand, the child must show the 13 card, if they face their hand down, the child must show the 11 card. You can work in any number range: Ex: 1-20, 1-30, 1-50. It might be nice to have the numbers cut out in front of you. 




Tuesday: Counting On with Counters:  

Give your child a collection of 10/12 small counters that she can line up from left to right on the table. Tell her to count four counters and push them under a cup. Now put out some more counters on the table (keep the ones under the cup hidden). Say: How many counters are on the table? And how many are under the cup (child has to remember)? So how many is that altogether? Change the amount of counters to be hidden under the cup and the amount of counters to be added on. 


Wednesday: 100 Square jigsaws:  

A 100 square cut up into segments. Hand out the segments to the child and ask her to put it back together again. You can also visit this link to try similar activities. 


Thursday: There are 21 different ways to add up to 8. Write as many of them as you can. You may need to use a number line, your fingers or a hundred square. 


Friday: Why not check out this nice little Maths game? It is a fun way to work on number sequencing. You can make it harder by extending the number range, ex: 1-50. You do not need to have a printer, you could ask your child to help make it. 


Extra activities: