Sixth Class Graduation 2020



Dear Parents/ Guardians,  


As you know from the text you received, there will be a virtual graduation at 2:00 on Friday the 26th of June. In preparation for this event, there are a few things we would like you to do.  

  • Class teachers will be putting together a slideshow of all the children. Please send a current photo of your child in her school uniform to the email address  

  • Both classes have written a class poem from the children’s memories of school. We would like to put together a video of all the children reading these poems. Please record a video of your child in uniform reading this poem and send it back to You will find the text of the poem linked to the bottom of this page.  


We want to include every child in both of these so we will need your help to get them back to us by Friday the 19th of June. It will add so much to the event if we can make sure that we have every child involved. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us at  

Looking forward to seeing the videos and photos. Wishing you and your families well.  


McKay   S. Devlin 

Please click here for Mr. Devlin’s Poem

Please click here for Ms. McKay’s Poem