Suggested Activities 15th-19th June

Hi girls,  

You are all doing so well. Keep up the hard work! 

Ms. O’Reilly  



Mental Maths: 

Continue to complete one mental maths activity each day. (Don’t forget about Problem Solving!)  



Daily 10: 

10 minutes each day. Level 4 activities. Set timers to an appropriate time for you! 

If you feel ready, move on to Level 5 activites! 

(Try a mixture of all activities each day – Addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles/halves, fractions) 



You have all been working so hard on the maths work this term. For the next two weeks we are going to revise some of the most important topics we have covered in 5th class. 

Figure it Out 5: Chapter 6 Division. Complete the chapter at your own pace over the course of the week. Use a calculator to check your answers.  

**Remember if the answer doesn’t match that on the calculator, try the calculator again. If the answers still don’t match re do the sum  

Check Seesaw each day for a short maths challenge based on a topic from this year.  


Ms. Mc Keon’s Maths Group 

Answers 5TH Class Maths 8th-12th June 


Find the area of these rectangles: 

1) Length = 7cm, Width = 3cm . Area = 21cm2 

2) Length = 8cm , width = 6 cm. Area = 48cm2 

3) Length = 12cm, Width = 9 cm. Area= 108cm2 

4) Length = 16cm. Width = 4 cm. Area = 64cm2 

5) Length = 27cm. Width = 13cm. Area= 351cm2 

6) Length = 34 m. Width = 7 m. Area = 238m2 

Area of a square 

Find the area of these squares. 

1) Side = 9cm. Area = 9 x9 = 81cm2 

2) Side = 6 cm. Area = 6×6=36cm2 

3) Side = 10 m. Area = 10×10 = 100 m2 

4) Side = 3cm. Area = 3×3= 9 cm2 

5) Side =8m. Area = 8×8= 64 m2 

6) Side = 4.5 cm. Area = 4.5x 4.5=20.25 cm2 


                                    Pupils who go to Ms. Tiernan/ Ms. Mc Keon      

Find daily task on seesaw.  



Read at Home Book 5 

If you don’t have the book at home with you go to: 


Primary > 5th class > English > Read at Home > Read at Home Book 5 > Online Book. 

***Hi Girls, I hope you are all well. It’s great to see all the fantastic work you are doing on Seesaw. You can read some of these stories and when you’re ready, record yourself reading and upload to SEESAW. I’d love to hear you .You can answer the questions orally if you like and record them too or write the answers, take a photo and upload too.*** 

Monday: A Bad Winner p.17 

Tuesday: Snow White’s Diary p.18 

Wednesday: Grapes p.19 

Thursday: Stressed Out p.20 

Read each story twice. 

Write the answers to the questions in your copy . 

Choose one (or more of the following activities if you have time): 

1) Keep a diary for a week and write down all the things you do. You can also write your thoughts and feelings during these interesting times. 

2) Can you add to the list of tips on p.20 of ways to ease stress? 

3) Make a list of all the new words you read on p.19. See if you can find out their meanings using a dictionary. 

( SNIP Spelling Programme Part 2 ) ) 

Session 8 

( straight, chose, squad, weird, are, sour, strength, sauce, urge ) 

Learn the spellings following LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK 

Do one activity each day. Get someone at home to give you a little test on Friday.(or test yourself) 


Oral Language:  


I’m sure you have read many books while you have been at home. Choose the book you are reading currently or your favorite book and create an oral report about it.  

Using Seesaw, create a video including the following criteria.  

The name of the book 

A brief description of the story 

A detailed account of your favourite character 

Choose a paragraph at random and read it to me 

Give your recommendation and a star review for the book.  


Practice your report with someone at home before making the video. Show off your best presentation skills.  





A way with Words 5 : Unit 6 “An Angry Email”. Read the email on page 28. Activities A and B on page 29.  

Write an email of reply to Myles Doherty. How will you defuse the situation and make it better for the customer?  



Conversations: a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged. 


We use conversations all the time. Choose a conversation from the list below and write it. B creative.  

 If you are using a copy book, the conversation should be two pages long. If you are using a A4 refill pad you conversation should be at least one full page.  


  • A conversation between two friends on the way to a circus 
  • A conversation between two dogs about how humans behave 
  • A conversation between a parent and a small child about how a mobile phone works.  


Useful vocabulary to improve your writing: 



Spellcheck: Week 29 

Each day:  Complete one box per day.  

  • Look up words in the dictionary to obtain meaning.  
  • Write synonyms (words that mean the same) 
  • Write antonyms (words that mean the opposite)  
  • Write your words in pencil, then  and trace all the consonants in red 
  • Write all the words in alphabetical order 
  • Write each word using 5 different writing tools (pencil, pen, marker, crayon, colouring pencil) 
  • Write your words in pencil, then  and trace all the vowels in blue 
  • Rainbow writing 



Just Handwriting: Complete one page each day.  


Grammar: Revision 

Write at Home book: Week 27. Complete pages 105, 106, 107, 108 






I have been so impressed with all the girls who are uploading the reading of Irish each day. This will benefit you hugely. Keep up the great work. Remember the audio clips are also available via the link below.  

Léigh sa Bhaile: Read a page each day and listen to the audio. Tell a parent/ sibling what the text was all about. 

Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge  > Léigh sa Bhaile>  Léigh sa bhaile Leabhar E > Online Book.  

Audio Clips of the reading can be found also.  

Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge  > Léigh sa Bhaile>  Léigh sa bhaile Leabhar E > Audio.  


Seesaw Task:  Choose a page from the book. Take a photo of it and further record yourself reading it aloud.  



Ríra: Aonad 10: lth 26 & 27 

Irish book can be found online via the CJFallon online resource bank. Follow these steps to access the book. 

Primary > 5th class > Gaeilge  > Ríra>  Ríra 5 > Online Book.  


Léigh an teasc seo agus freagair na ceisteanna. Upload a clear photo of your answers to Seesaw for me to correct. 


Small World Geography Science: Soils 

Read chapter 10 pages 57-61 

Complete activities on page 59 and 61 

Try the experiment if possible! 

Layers of soil: 

How does soil help plants: 

Different types of soils: 

Draw a soil profile and label each section (diagram on page 58)  

Small world History: Daniel O’Connell 

Read Unit 14 

Activities A, B, C on page 71 

Write a text message that someone might have sent in 1843, inviting others to attend the first monster meeting in Trim Co Meath.  

Pretend you are Daniel O’Connell: Write a speech directed at your peers about a current issue in politics. Give your opinions.  

This speech should include strong introductions and conclusions to get your opinion across.  If you are using a copy book your speech should be at least two pages long. If you are using an A4 refill pad your speech should be at least one page long.  

Upload your speech to Seesaw.  


Physical Education: Try some of these outdoor activities.  

Go on a walk in your local areas 

Go on a scavenger hunt in your home or outside. 

Create an obstacle course for you and your family to try 


SPHE/ Visual Art 

Our School Motto is “Treat others as you would like them to treat you”.  

Do you think this is a good motto to live by?  

What has it taught you about how to treat others?  

Why do you think SBC uses it as a motto?  

Create a poster with our school motto that highlights it’s importance in the context of our school community and the wider world.  Make a huge effort with these posters and upload to Seesaw.