Suggested Activities 15th-19th June
- Set yourself a little spelling challenge. Go back through your spellcheck. Pick 50 random spellings from throughout the year. See if you can remember how to spell them. Give yourself a target that you want to meet e.g. I want to get 42 out of 50 correct. See if you can meet your target.
- Make a list of the subjects that you will be studying in secondary school. Write a description of what they will involve. If you are not sure, use the internet to help you to research this information. Now write the subjects in order of your preference starting with the one that you are most looking forward to studying.
- School equipment: When you move to secondary school, you will need to bring equipment with you everyday that you require for your classes. You may need special equipment for certain classes. Imagine you are getting ready for school and pick 6 subjects that you will have the next day. Write a list of equipment that you will need to put into your school bag to be prepared for those subjects. Write a list of equipment that you will need every day.
- Interview a member of your family. Ask them about their time in secondary school. Ask them about their experience. Write down their answers and write out the full interview again in question and answer format. You can take a photo and share your interview on See Saw if you like. Examples of questions you could include are:
- What is the name of the secondary school you went to?
- What subjects did you study?
- What were the main school rules?
- What happened if you broke them? What were the consequences?
- Describe your school uniform?
- Were there boys and girls attending your school?
- What time did you start and finish?
- What equipment did you need?
- What was your favourite subject? Why?
- Who was your favourite teacher? Why?
- What did your classrooms look like?
- How many students were in a class?
- Continue with mental maths
- Follow the link Do page 122-125 on revision of tables
- Follow the link. Try chapter 26 pg 108 Topic: Chance
- Follow the link Try chapter 19 pg 129 Rules and properties
Déan na gníomhaíochtaí. Follow the link and try the activities from unit 2
Leathanach 4-6 Page 4-6
Leathanach 7 -9
Lean na treoracha. Follow the instructions in Irish
- Do some research on the history of your new secondary school.
- Find out facts such as
- When was it built?
- When did it first open?
- How many pupils were enrolled when it first opened?
- What teachers were there when it first opened? Are they still there now?
- What subjects did they offer when it first opened? Is there more choice now?
- Try and find some pictures of the building when it first opened. Compare and contrast it to the building now?
- If a parent or older sibling went to that secondary school maybe you could ask them about it too.
- Do some research to complete a travel survey for how you will get to your new school next year
- What time will you leave in the morning?
- How long will it take to get there?
- What mode of transport will you use?
- If you are using public transport, how much will it cost?
- Draw a map of your journey from your house to your new secondary school.
- Maybe if it is safe to do so, if you had time and with the permission of your parents, you could try going on the journey throughout the week.
- Research what your new school uniform will look at. Draw a sketch of it, paint a picture of it or create a collage of yourself in your new school uniform. Share a picture of your work on See Saw if you like.
- Think about the new rules that your secondary school will have. Why are these rules important? Why do you still need rules in secondary school?
- What might the rules be for the following areas of school life in your new secondary school?
- Write out some rules you think will be in place:
- Uniform
- Break times
- Home time
- Start time
- Homework
- Moving around corridors
- Classroom behaviour
If you are unsure, why not research some school rules on the school website or they might be in an information pack that was sent to your parents previously about the school.
- Compare and contrast them with primary school rules. What is the same/different?
- Write a list of good strategies to help you get to know new people in September and make new friends. Some examples include:
- Smile and say hello and ask them their name
- Ask someone to sit beside you during lunch
- Tell somebody a hobby you enjoy and ask what hobbies they have. You might have similar interests
- Brainstorm a list of emotions you might be feeling on the first day of secondary school. Create some strategies you could use to help you deal with these emotions. Who could you talk to if you had any concerns? Examples: take deep breaths, bring some water with you and take small sips, chat to a friend/parent etc.
Exercise with Joe Wicks. Follow the link
Ms O’Shaughnessy’s groups:
Hi girls,
I hope you’re all keeping well. I can’t believe that you only have a few weeks left in Sixth class. I know you are all busy writing your school memories, preparing for graduation etc. so I’m not going to give my groups any formal work this week. I will, however add some fun activities on Seesaw but these are optional so only do them if you want to! Well done on the maths activities this week, some of them were tricky!