Suggested Activities 22nd-25th June

Happy Graduation Week!!!!!! 

Here are some activities to get the celebrations started: 

We kept the workload light this week as it is a very special week for you all. Enjoy the lead up to your special day. We included work up to the 25th as we don’t expect anyone to be doing any work on the day of Graduation and you won’t be getting more work after that as you will have graduated primary school!!!  



  • Follow the link to RTE player and go to the home school hub section 



  1. Make yourself a graduation hat 


You will need: 

cardboard from a cereal box                large paper bowl          wool            push pin 

PVA glue         scissors          sticky tape        paintbrush             paint 



  1. Cut a 22.5 x 22.5cm square out of the cereal box.
  2. Paint both sides of the cardboard and the outside of the paper bowl black. Add a little PVA to the black paint to add some gloss. 
  3. Using a pen or sharp object, make a hole in the centre of the black square. 
  4. Cut 5-6cm of wool and tie in a knot at both ends. Using a push pin, attach the wool (tassel) to the top of the cap.
  5. Use PVA glue to stick the bottom of the paper bowl to the bottom of the square. Firmly press the cardboard square down on top of it. Then leave to dry.


You don’t need this for graduation on Friday. This is just for fun if you would like. 



  1. Here are some inspirational graduation quotes. Have a look and make an inspirational quote poster for yourself as you begin your new journey to secondary school


  • You’re off to great places. Today is the day. Your mountain is waiting so get on your way.  Dr Seuss 
  • We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all of the power inside us already. We have the power to imagine better.          JK Rowling 
  • “Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose.”            Oprah Winfrey 
  • “Whatever you do. Do it well.”                                 Walt Disney 
  • “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”     Winnie the Pooh 


  1. Do some research on the internet. Find some inspirational positive thinking quotes of your own. See what you can find 😊  



  1. Write a Graduation acrostic poem. E.g.

               G    reat things have happened this year 

               R     eally going to miss all my classmates    etc. 

              Feel free to send a picture of your acrostic poem to us on See Saw. 



7.          In Ten Years’ Time- Finish the sentences

In ten years’ time, I will be __________ years old.I will live in _________.I will earn money by ___________.I will have visited these places ____________.My biggest achievement will have been ______________.I will still be friends with __________. I will be able to ______________.I will look back on today and think ___________. 



  1. What is your shining moment from Scoil Bhride Cailini? If you could only pick one. What is your most special magic moment? Write about it. Feel free to share with us on See saw.  



  1. Write a bucket list of all the things you want to do and achieve in the future. 





This is a short story competition. You could get a head start and write one to enter into the competition. 


Take part in as many activities as you can this week. Make it a memorable week for yourselves as best you can. We will see you all on Friday for Graduation 😊 😊