Extra Challenges

Maths Problem of the Week

22nd June Junior Maths Problem Senior Maths Problem 15th June   Junior Maths Problem Answer: 23 Senior Maths Problem Answer: 11 O’Clock 8th June Junior Maths Problem               Answer: Red Heart Senior Maths Problem Answer: E1.65 Well done to Jade Garcia in 4th Class! Look out for your prize […]

Visual Literacy Challenge

Miss Mc Geough’s Visual Literacy Challenge  Hi everyone from Miss Mc Geough! I will upload a new visual literacy challenge every week. Challenge your child to finish drawing the given picture and send in their illustrations to photos@scoilbhridecailini.ie. Any child can participate from Junior Infants-6th Class. All she needs is paper, a pencil and her imagination! Click into the video below to see me explaining the challenge in further detail.  Visual […]

Tour of the School with Mrs. Dargan

http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/SchoolPart.1_edited.reduced-1.mp4 http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/SchoolPart.2.reduced.mp4

Nursery Rhymes with Ms. Kelly


Cooking with Houley

http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/houley-3.mp4 http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Houley.mp4

Music Lesson with Ms. O’Connor

http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/VID-20200522-WA0005.mp4 http://www.scoilbhridecailini.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/VID-20200522-WA0004.mp4

Baking Scones with Ms. O’Shaughnessy



Colm, our GAA coach from St. Brigid’s, has some top GAA tips for us!

STEPS Young Engineer Awards

Hi girls! As you all know, Third and Fourth Class entered the STEPS Young Engineer Awards this year. The judges were so impressed with all their lovely projects. STEPS would like to invite you to the first ever virtual annual awards ceremony this Wednesday. One project in particular will be receiving highly commended award at […]

Music with Ms. O’Connor


Art with Mairéad


Pizza Making with Roberta


Baking with Mrs. Kearney


Singing Lesson with Ms. Toomey


History 4th-6th Class

Attention All Senior Classes, Exciting History Competition! 1. National Competition: Decade of Centenaries Schools Irish History Competition for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2020 The ‘Decade of Centenaries’ Irish History competition for schools (primary and post-primary) is an annual competition sponsored by the Department of Education and Skills and the School of History, UCC. It is […]

Science Experiment with Mr. McCrudden
